Daniel Delos

HomeTeamDaniel Delos

- Graduated Chemical Engineer from the French high school ENSCM in 1970.

- Qualified as European Patent Attorney in 1978.

- Graduated from Centre d’Etude Internationale de la Propriété Industrielle (Strasbourg) in 1981.

- Qualified as French Representative before INPI (French PTO) in 1981.

- Qualified in Trademark as representative before OHMI in 1998.

- 1973 - 1983 French Patent Attorney

Main clients:

- Pharmaceutical field: Sanofi and Syntex.

- Steel making industry: Usinor Sacilor now Mittal Steel.

- 1983 – 1993 Usinor Sacilor IP Director - Creation of the IP department

In charge of:

- Patents: 189 priority applications filed in 1992. - Trademarks. - IP agreements and Licensing. - 1993 -2010 Rhodia IP Director - Patents: ww department filing up to 220 priority applications 2000 -2003. - Trademarks. - IP agreements and Licensing. - Management of a team comprising in France 9 patent attorneys, 2 patent Lawyers and 1 trademark Lawyer and 2 patent attorneys in the US. - 2010 Creation of DLS Consulting