Charles Arena

HomeTeamCharles Arena

Charles Arena is the President of Novitious, LLC, which is based in Washington D.C.

Prior to forming Novitious, Charles was the Executive Vice President of a highly-successful, privately-held company that developed and commercialized technical and specialty packaging products in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Over a 26-year period, the company grew from three employees in a single location to more than three hundred employees operating in multiple locations across the United States.

During his tenure, Charles was responsible for managing and directing: research and development of new products; global intellectual property efforts (including securing IP protection in the U.S., European and Asian markets); manufacturing operations; and product testing.

Charles has also played a key role in the enforcement and defense of patents against competitors in the U.S.

He is a named inventor on over 30 U.S., international and foreign patents and patent applications.

Throughout his career, Charles led numerous highly-technical and challenging product development programs. He is particularly skilled at identifying and engaging key subject matter experts, as needed for a particular project, to supplement the core team and achieve success.